Beeyond templates are used to automate the creation of Kubernetes resources using wildcards that can be replaced with actual values provided by the user. Each template consists of three files:

  • a JSON file that defines the template’s metadata and wildcards

  • a YAML file that contains the Kubernetes template manifest

  • an SVG file that provides an icon for the template.

1. File Structure

The templates are stored in the backend-leocloud-beeyond/src/main/resources/templates directory. Each template consists of three files:

  • ./json/<template_name>.json: A JSON file that defines the template’s metadata and wildcards.

  • ./yaml/<template_name>.yaml: A YAML file that contains the Kubernetes template manifest with wildcards that will be replaced by user-provided values.

  • ./svg/<template_name>.svg: An SVG file that provides an icon for the template.

2. Template JSON File

The JSON file contains metadata about the template and its wildcards. Here is an example quarkus.json file:

  "name": "Quarkus Deployment with DB",
  "description": "Deployment of a Quarkus Application",
  "content": "quarkus.yaml",
  "img": "quarkus.svg",
  "fields": [
      "label": "Name",
      "wildcard": "name",
      "description": "Name of the service and deployment",
      "value": "quarkus-backend",
      "placeholder": "auction-backend"
      "label": "Image",
      "wildcard": "image",
      "description": "Image name",
      "placeholder": ""
      "label": "Database URL",
      "wildcard": "db-url",
      "description": "URL to the database",
      "placeholder": "jdbc:postgresql://auction-db-svc:5432/db"
      "label": "Database Username",
      "wildcard": "db-user",
      "description": "Database user",
      "value": "app",
      "placeholder": "app"
      "label": "Database Password",
      "wildcard": "db-password",
      "description": "Password for the specified user",
      "value": "app",
      "placeholder": "app"
  • name: The name of the template.

  • description: A description of what the template does.

  • content: The filename of the YAML file that contains the Kubernetes resources.

  • img: The filename of the SVG file that provides an icon for the template.

  • fields: An array of objects that define the wildcards used in the YAML file. Each object contains:

    • label: The label for the input field that will be displayed to the user.

    • wildcard: The name of the wildcard used in the YAML file.

    • description: A description of what the wildcard represents.

    • value (optional): A default value for the wildcard.

    • placeholder: This value is shown as example in the frontend.

3. Template YAML File

The YAML file contains the Kubernetes resources that will be created when the template is used. The wildcards defined in the JSON file are used to replace the corresponding values provided by the user. Here is an example quarkus.yaml file:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: %name%
  replicas: 1
      app: %name%
        app: %name%
        - env:
              value: %db-url%
              value: %db-user%
              value: %db-password%
          image: %image%
          name: %name%
            - containerPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: %name%-svc
    - name: http
      port: 8080
      targetPort: 8080
    app: %name%

4. Adding new Template

When adding a new template, make sure to run the backend-leocloud-beeyond/src/main/resources/templates/ script to update the file-list.txt file which is read in the TemplateBean class at startup. The backend gh-action will fail automatically run the script to update the file-list.txt file.